Editorials · On Themes

Betwixt and Between: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai and the Use of Liminal Space

Lines, lines, lines. Lots and lots of lines. One of Chuunibyou’s many talents is digging up one’s musty childhood memories and I’ve found myself no exception. Luckily, the exploration of one’s childhood can lead to several interesting revelations about one’s self as a child. After talking to some close friends and perusing the silly compendium… Continue reading Betwixt and Between: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai and the Use of Liminal Space

Editorials · On Characters

Orphans: Tonari no Kaibutsu and the Loneliness Blues

“Love requires more than one person.” – Mitsuyoshi Misawa Although we all seek the tranquility of solitude or empty space every now and then, few times do we ever pursue feelings of loneliness. While we may choose to isolate ourselves every now and then for some peace and quiet, loneliness itself is truly a beast… Continue reading Orphans: Tonari no Kaibutsu and the Loneliness Blues

Episodic Articles

Behind the Braid: Cultural Significance of Hair in Magi Episodes 5 and 6

The first episodic article I’ve written in months is on… hair braids, of all things. Whether you’re high fashion expert or a scraggly, mop-headed hippy, you’ve probably given a fair amount of attention to styling your hair. From our “edgy” high school haircuts (we’ve all had them, believe me) to our totally 80’s glam-rock Kenny… Continue reading Behind the Braid: Cultural Significance of Hair in Magi Episodes 5 and 6